Our first stop was at Little Farm Hands. Here, kids got to pretend to go through all the steps of farming. It was so well done! I'd definitely recommend it to anyone with small children.
Getting all dolled up with her apron and bucket.
Getting a bag of corn.
Transporting her feed.
Feeding the chickens.
Collecting one egg. As we walked away, Sophie asked, "Did the chicken move?" She was trying to figure out if they were real. (Um...no).
She planted a seed and got to harvest one vegetable to put in her bucket. She chose a carrot.
Milking a "cow."
Picking one apple to put in her bucket.
At the end, she got to bring all of her products to the "farmer's market" to sell and earn a dollar. At the final store, she got to spend her dollar on one (real) item. She chose a container of Cheerios. It was a very cool exhibit!!
We also checked out the John Deere equipment next door. The kids loved climbing all over the various types of tractors/lawn mowers. Owen got mad when we yanked him away finally.
This was our first treat. A Fudge Puppie. It was a Belgian waffle covered in fancy chocolate of some kind, topped with whipped cream and sprinkles. Very tasty!
The kids and I visited the "Miracle of Birth Center." It was a miracle we made it out alive! It was a madhouse!! It also made me very thankful that I was not a farm animal when giving birth to my own babies. Not a lot of privacy for those poor, knocked up animals. And I wouldn't have wanted all those strange people poking around at my newborn either. Sheesh!!
This picture was taken about 10 minutes before we decided to call it a day and hightail it for home. The kids were getting a little out of sorts, frolicking about in the dirt while we talked to an acquaintance that we ran into. Sophie wasn't cooperating, but perhaps you can see the dirt that covered her face.
It was a bath-night for sure. For everybody. We had a good time, and we ate some good food. The weather was great, and the kids mostly behaved well. When we got home, everyone took naps. Even Greg. That's saying something...