We spent Easter weekend with my family. The aunts & uncles & cousins were there! It was constant activity, noises, messes, and fun...for the kids.
On Saturday, we went to an Easter party at Cam & Kathy's house. They are dear family friends from forever ago. They invited everyone they know (I'm pretty sure!), and we were some of the lucky folks to attend their party!
Pre-party picture...while everyone was still clean and happy

Kathy put on a magnificent, Martha-would-be-so-proud, spread.

These were the decorations on the tiny kid tables. Tables that had tiny slip-covered chairs. Amazing. Yes, that's real grass.

Owen is holding a real (cleaned out) egg shell that contains a surprise.

The idea was to break them open after saying "He is risen indeed!"

Sophie didn't want to break hers. She's like that. But check it out...confetti. All over the place!

Really...all over the place!

I do not know if Sophie ever broke her eggs.

More lovely decorations...

And some crazy-amazing food!

Owen didn't like getting frosting on his fingers, so I had to help him eat his cookie.

Later, it was time for an Easter egg hunt in the huge yard. Here, Cam is telling the kids they can each find 10 eggs. They had hidden 300...for the 30 kids who attended. Whew!

Then it was every man for himself!

Mostly Owen just watched everyone else run around.

Each egg had little treasures inside. Sophie's checking out what she got.

Kathy, the hostess with the most-ess, and baby Isaiah.

It was a lovely party, and our family had a lovely time. Thanks Cam & Kathy! Thanks also for bringing leftover cookies to Easter dinner. They may be my new favorite!
Oh, you captured the event perfectly! What a fun tradition, huh?! Sooo good to see you.
Good pictures! Kathy is a ridiculously great hostess. Are you posting any more Easter fun? How's Owen? I'm sorry I ruined your baby!!!
Sophie looks so pretty in her Easter dress! And Owen looks very handsome.. they're getting so big!!!!
And a special thank you to Ms. Kathy for making the rest of us look bad.. :)
God gives us our gifts and I am priviledged to have such great friends to share mine with. Thanks for coming, I love you guys!
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